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Physics - Plates

Now, let us talk about plates. When two plates with equal and opposite charges are close to each other, we can approximate the electrostatic field strength at any point between them very closely. 

Rule number 28: 
Electric field between parallel conductive plates of the same size, but oppositely charged equals charge on a plate divided by the permittivity constant times the plate area. 

Rule number 29: 
The potential energy within the electric field between charged plates equals the magnitude of the charge times the field strength times the distance from the opposite plate, or PE=qEd. 

The electrostatic potential difference between two plates is the potential energy that a particle with a charge magnitude of 1 Coulomb would have if it was situated on the plate of like charge and it is measured in volts. 

Rule number 30: 
The electrical potential difference between two parallel plates of equal size and opposite charge equals the electrostatic field strength times the distance between the plates, or V=Ed.