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MCAT Writing Section Sample Prompts 1

Of all the forms of media, television has the strongest influence on public opinion.
Describe a specific situation in which television might not have the strongest influence on public opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television has the strongest influence on public opinion.
History is the record of humanity's wars.
Describe a specific situation in which history might be the record of something other than humanity's wars. Discuss what you think determines when history should be the record of humanity's wars and when it should be something else.
To obey an unjust law is to approve of it.
Describe a specific situation in which obeying an unjust law might not necessarily mean approving of it. Discuss what you think determines when disobeying a law is justified.
The personal privacy of citizens should be protected from government intrusion.
Describe a specific situation in which government might justifiably intrude upon a citizen's personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when government has a right to intrude upon citizens' privacy and when it does not have a right to intrude.
The introduction of modern technologies is harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world.
Describe a specific situation in which the introduction of modern technologies might not be harmful to an underdeveloped area of the world. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the introduction of modern technologies is harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world.
The good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.
Describe a specific situation in which the good of a society might not depend upon the defense of individual rights. Discuss what you think determines when the good of a society depends upon the defense of individual rights.
In politics, one's friends and one's enemies are often the same.
Describe a specific political situation in which one's friends and one's enemies might not be the same. Discuss what you think determines whether or not one's friends in politics are also one's enemies.
A student's academic success depends more on hard work than on intelligence.
Describe a specific situation in which a student's academic success might depend more on intelligence than on hard work. Discuss what you think determines whether a student's academic success depends more on hard work or on intelligence.
New technologies often hide problems that are only revealed later.
Describe a specific situation in which the benefits of a new technology might not hide later problems. Discuss what you think determines when the benefits of a new technology outweigh potential problems.
Displaying intelligence can sometimes be a politician's downfall.
Describe a specific situation in which displaying intelligence might not be a politician's downfall. Discuss what you think determines whether or not displaying intelligence will be a politician's downfall.
In times of war, maintaining public support is often the most difficult battle.
Describe a specific situation in which maintaining public support in a time of war might not be difficult. Discuss what you think determines when maintaining public support in times of war is difficult and when it is not.
Television news should be expected to present both sides of an issue.
Describe a specific situation in which television news might not be expected to present both sides of an issue. Discuss what you think determines when television news should be expected to present both sides of an issue and when it should not.
The public is swayed more by new ideas than by good ones.
Describe a specific situation in which the public might be swayed more by a good idea than by a new one. Discuss what you think determines whether the public will be swayed by new ideas or by good ones.
It is always best to be cautious in financial matters.
Describe a specific situation in which it might be better not to be cautious in a financial matter. Discuss what you think determines whether or not it is best to be cautious in financial matters.
A person's first priority in life should be financial security.
Describe a specific situation in which a person's first priority in life might not be financial security. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person's first priority in life should be financial security.
Plans for achieving social justice can succeed only when those affected give their approval.
Describe a specific situation in which a plan for achieving social justice might succeed without approval by those affected. Discuss what you think determines whether or not plans for achieving social justice can succeed only when approved by those affected.
Political freedoms are best appreciated in those countries where they do not exist.
Describe a specific situation in which political freedoms might be appreciated in a country where such freedoms do exist. Discuss what you think determines whether political freedoms are best appreciated in countries where such freedoms are denied or where they exist.
A good movie usually teaches a moral lesson.
Describe a specific situation in which a good movie might not teach a moral lesson. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the quality of a movie depends upon its ability to teach a moral lesson.
A government has not only the right, but also the responsibility, to regulate what is broadcast over the public airwaves.
Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in regulating what is broadcast over the public airwaves. Discuss what you think determines when a government is justified in regulating what is broadcast over the public airwaves and when it is not.
Price is not necessarily a reflection of value.
Describe a specific situation in which price is an accurate reflection of value. Discuss what you think determines when price reflects value and when it does not.
Education serves to restrict the human mind rather than to free it.
Describe a specific situation in which education frees the human mind. Discuss what you think determines when education restricts the human mind and when it frees it.
Creativity flourishes best in circumstances where freedom of speech is openly permitted.
Describe a specific situation in which creativity might flourish in circumstances where freedom of speech is not openly permitted. Discuss what you think determines whether or not freedom of speech encourages creativity.
Granting mercy is sometimes the best way for a judge to serve justice.
Describe a specific situation in which granting mercy might not be the best way for a judge to serve justice. Discuss what you think determines when granting mercy serves justice and when it does not.
Politicians should vote according to their beliefs, without worrying about whether their constituents agree with those beliefs.
Describe a specific situation in which a politician should take into account the beliefs of constituents when voting. Discuss what you think determines whether politicians should vote according to their beliefs or those of their constituents.
Local governments should be allowed to govern free of federal interference.
Describe a specific situation in which local governments should not be allowed to govern free of federal interference. Discuss what you think determines whether or not local governments should be allowed to govern free of federal interference.
Almost every great fortune is made at the expense of other people.
Describe a specific situation in which a fortune might be made without harm to other people. Discuss the principles you think determine whether or not fortunes are made at the expense of other people.
The courts should punish the guilty according to the nature of the crime.
Describe a specific situation in which the courts might justifiably take circumstances into account when punishing the guilty. Discuss what you think determines whether the courts should consider the crime or other factors in order to decide punishment.
Advances in communication have led to a loss of personal privacy.
Describe a specific situation in which an advance in communication might not lead to a loss of personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when advances in communication lead to a loss of personal privacy.
There are times when an individual's private acts should become a public concern.
Describe a specific situation in which an individual's private acts should not become a public concern. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the acts of an individual should become a public concern.
A country needs enemies, real or imagined, in order to maintain its identity.
Describe a specific situation in which a country might not need an enemy in order to maintain its identity. Discuss what you think determines whether the existence of enemies is necessary for a country to maintain its identity.